
Showing posts from April, 2022


MY ART CORNER Do you still remember what your art corner looked like when you were still in elementary and high school years? What is its design and contents? I'm sure you have seen an art corner before.  Art corner is one of the things a classroom should have. A wall where students will appreciate and learn about arts. Most of the designs are from teacher's creativity and the contents are based on what is essential for children.  Come on and let's have a look on how I created my ART CORNER!!  THE PROCESSES I MADE: 1. I THINK OF IDEAS OF HOW I WOULD CREATE MY ART CORNER AND THOSE IDEAS ARE BASED ON WHAT ARE THE CONTENTS IT SHOULD HAVE AND WHAT ARE THE RESOURCES I HAVE. I REALLY MAKE SURE THAT MY ART CORNER WOULD BE NICE YET, ECONOMICAL.  2. I DREW A LAYOUT OF MY ART CORNER TO A FOLDER SIZE OF BOND PAPER. THIS LAYOUT SERVED AS MY GUIDE TO HOW MY ART CORNER SHOULD LOOK. MY LAYOUT IS COMPOSE OF THE CONTENTS, THE SIZE, AND THE THEME OF THE ART CORNER. THE THEME OF THIS PROJECT