My choice of art
BEST ART ACTIVITIES A lot of people believed and proved that there is no perfect activity that suits every kind of learner and art activities are not excluded here. However, there are best art activities that we can facilitate to better improve children's development. Come on! Let's find out my top 3 best art activities. 1. CRAYON ETCHING This activity is under the category of crayon which is one of the most well-known art material and most accesible for children. Etching is a good activity for children aged 4-6 mostly kinder to grade 1 pupil because it was a good source of basic art skills and entertainment for them. Materials: * Paper, Light crayons, Black Crayon, Sharp tool. Procedure: A. Using light. bright crayons put big patches of colors all over the paper. B. Using black crayon, color over all the bright colors. Color until the bright colors appear faintly through black or are completely covered. C. With sharp tool. sketch picture direc...